Hello everyone, my name is Cameron Addison, an Accredited Exercise Physiologist at Absolute Balance.
I left high school with a keen interest in how the human body worked and ways to improve its function. Originally leaning towards physiotherapy before discovering an unknown job role to me “exercise scientist.” Moving into that pathway I discovered exercise physiology, pathologies and exercise as form of rehabilitation. Falling in love with this field I decided to pursue a Masters degree to eventually become an Accredited Exercise Physiologist. Absolute Balance stood out as a leader in the workers compensation field who were values driven to provide the best outcomes for their clients. This reflected how I work and compelled me to join the team.
I have oriented towards pain science and how our bodies perceive and adapt to pain. Using exercise, we can help to assist in desensitising areas to pain through strengthening and mobility surrounding areas. Furthermore, it is an excellent method to manage flare ups from everyday ventures.
Jumping between a range of sports as I grew up from soccer to triathlons to water polo and others before finding hockey which I still play today during winter and complement with squash in the summer. From these I have had a few injuries most severe of which were a lower back injury and ankle surgery requiring me to be in a wonderful cast and moon boot in the Australian heat… fun times. Both I struggled through with Physio alone, realising now how much my recovery time and quality could have been improved if I had a structured exercise program.
Outside of sport I enjoy relaxing at home and seeing family over the weekend. Classically heading down to the beach or a friend’s pool to responsibly soak up some sun. In my spare time I like to spend it tinkering with gaming PC, enjoying upcoming videogame titles and learning about a new, exciting and somewhat polarising technology cryptocurrency. As we move into a faster paced, more interconnected world I think it is of growing importance that new technologies are developed, embraced, and integrated to provide better services and improve all our qualities of living.
While at Absolute Balance I look to add to my clinical toolkit with new methods of treatment as well as expanding my experience within the workers compensation system to be able to provide the best outcome for my clients. I am looking forward to being part of an established and inspiring team as I continue to grow as an AEP.
Cameron Addison
Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) (ESSAM)